Isä Lluis Oviedon (Pontifical Antonianum University, Rome) vierailu ja esitelmä Helsingissä 13.6

Oman ketjun perustaminen tälle tuntuu hassulta, mutta en ainakaan näin heti löytänyt yleistä pienet uskonnolliset tapahtumat -ketjua. Muttasiis tällainen tuli Facebookissa vastaan:

BREAKING NEWS! Fr. Lluis Oviedo, professor of theology from the Pontifical Antonianum University (Rome) will visit Finland and preach in English (at the Finnish Mass of 6 pm) as well as give a presentation & lead discussion in English after Mass at church coffee at St. Henry’s this Wednesday, June 13th! The topic of the talk in the parish hall after Mass is How Catholicism Becomes Relevant in a Secular Society. Welcome!

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