Vanha kirjakäärö skannattu

Scanning software deciphers ancient biblical scroll

The charred lump of a 2,000-year-old scroll sat in an Israeli archaeologist’s storeroom for decades, too brittle to open. Now, new imaging technology has revealed what was written inside: the earliest evidence of a biblical text in its standardized form.

The passages from the Book of Leviticus, scholars say, offer the first physical evidence of what has long been believed: that the version of the Hebrew Bible used today goes back 2,000 years.

The discovery, announced in a Science Advances journal article by researchers in Kentucky and Jerusalem on Wednesday, was made using “virtual unwrapping,” a 3D digital analysis of an X-ray scan. Researchers say it is the first time they have been able to read the text of an ancient scroll without having to physically open it.

Jerusalemissa on ensimmäisen kerran kyetty lukemaan avaamatta vanha, lähes tuhoutunut kirjakäärö teknisten apuvälineiden keinoin. Aiemminkin on toki röntgenkuvattu ym. vanhoja kirjakääröjä, mutta aiemmin se on aina edellyttänyt käärön fyysistä avaamista. Nyt onnistuttiin lukemaan tuhansia vuosia vanha hauras käärö avaamatta sitä.

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