Kysymyksiä foorumin tekniikasta

Salamat sopisivat toisaalta palstan ulkonäön salanatsistisiin piirteisiin :fearful:

7 viestiä siirrettiin toiseen ketjuun: Offtopic-aarrearkku

Olenko ainoa, jolla ketju Pyhien rukoileminen ei halua etusivulla muuttua luetun näköiseksi sen jälkeen kun sieltä jaettiin tavaraa toiseen ketjuun? Ketjun nimi pysyy mustana, vaikka olen jo monta kertaa käynyt siellä lukemassa uusimmat viesti. Muiden ketjujen otsikot muuttuvat hailakammiksi väriltään sen jälkeen kun ne on käynyt lukemassa.

Niin, minähän olen ainoa joka on noita johdonmukaisesti vastustanut.

Mobiilissa ei muuten editorissa näytä olevan sellaista lainaa-puhekuplaa josta saisi lisättyä viitatun viestin sitaatin. Ainoa keksimäni tapa on maalata viesti ja sitten klikata siihen ilmestyvää lainaa-linkkiä.

Eikö ole mitään keinoa, jolla tänne voisi kopioida tekstiä siten, että systeemi ei katkaisisi rivejä lyhyiksi?

Itse käytän ulkoista tekstinmuokkausohjelmaa eli editoria. Ensin kopioitava teksti sinne, sitten poistan sieltä kaikki rivinvaihdot, sitten kopioin foorumille.

Kun teksti kerran on ulkoisessa editoriohjelmassa, siellä voi sitten tehdä kaikkea muutakin kivaa.

Vaikka netissä tai Wordissa tekstissä ei olisi yhtään rivinvaihtoa, foorumin systeemi tekee riveistä normaalia lyhyempiä. Ei ole mitään rivinvaihtoja, joita voisi poistaa.

Toden totta. Kokeilin tuota itsekin. Jos selaimessa (Firefox) pienentää suurennosta (control-miinus), kirjaimet alkavat pienetä ja riville tulla enemmän tekstiä - mutta vain tiettyyn rajaan saakka. Jos taas alkaa suurentaa (control-plus), kirjaimet isonevat ja riville mahtuu vähemmän tekstiä - mutta tietyn rajan jälkeen rivit menevät ylipitkiksi eivätkä mahdu ruudulle.

Ongelmana on ollut, että mobiilissa viestiketjun nimi ei näy missään muualla kuin ketjun alussa. Jos olet keskellä viestiketjua, on todella vaivalloista mennä alkuun ja etsiä sitten uudestaan se sama kohta mitä oli lukemassa.

Olen keksinyt tähän ei-niin-kovin-elegantin hätäratkaisun. Paina selaimen välilehdet-nappia, niin ketjun nimi näkyy välilehden otsikossa.

Tähän tulee ratkaisu piakkoin, muistelen.

Miten lainauksen saa spoilerin taakse? Vai saako pitkiä lainauksia kirjoittaa näkyviin?

Spoilerin saa viestiin, kun klikkaa viestinkirjoitusvalikosta oikeanpuoleisimpana olevaa ratasta ja valitsee siitä ensimmäisen vaihtoehdon (“Hide details”), tai vaihtoehtoisesti kirjoittamalla seuraavan:

[details=Spoilerin otsikko]Piilotettava teksti tai lainaus[/details]
Spoilerin otsikko

Piilotettava teksti tai lainaus

2 tykkäystä

Yritin kerran spoilata hyvin pitkää lainausta, mutta softa jakoi koko sitaatin alkuperäisen kappalejaon mukaisesti; tahtoo sanoa, että lukijan olisi pitänyt klikata jokaisen kappaleen kohdalla teksti näkyviin, mikä ei tuntunut tarkoituksenmukaiselta. Lisäksi homma näytti esikatselussakin niin hölmöltä, että jätin spoilauksen sillä kertaa sikseen. Mutta oletteko siis tunnistaneet ko. ongelman ja onko siihen mahdollisesti olemassa ratkaisua?

Voitko laittaa tähän vastaavan lainauksen & spoilerin, niin katsotaan mikä on ongelma?

Ööh, joo, nytpä tunnenkin itseni pöljäksi (tähän punastumishymiö); siis kyseessä on tämä teksti:

[details=Summary]The truth about the rejection of the anti-abortion bill in Poland. The voice of the bishops was decisive

We are surprised to hear about reports appearing in the Western media about the alleged “defeat of Law and Justice and bishops” in the battle for a complete ban on abortion in Poland.

This calls for categorical rectification, because the truth is completely different! The proposed bill, signed by more than half a million Poles was rejected by votes of PiS. This happened because the bishops gave their permission to reject the bill.

In light of the information appearing in some Western media outlets, we want to set the record straight. The facts are as follows:

Firstly, the Polish parliament proceeded with the civic bill calling for total protection of life from conception to natural death. This was not a bill authored by Law and Justice, but a result of popular initiative, prepared by Catholics representing NGO’s in the “Stop Abortion” Committee.

Secondly, the bill was accepted in the first stage of the legislative process by PiS MP’s, who promised to debate every popular initiative-this was to differentiate them from their predecessors. In the meantime, PiS MP’s spoke very warmly about the initiative, categorically declaring themselves to be fully pro-life on account of being Catholics.

Thirdly, demonstrations, which brought to mind satanic roundups, erupted in Poland and evidently frightened the government. Despite the fact that these demonstrations were organized by people and organizations that have always been hostile towards PiS and generally towards the Polish Right and the Church, the politicians of the ruling party nevertheless became fearful of the outcome of these protests. This occurred despite more numerous opposition protests, which have taken place in Poland during the course of the last year, with reference to which the government maintained a cool head, completely ignoring them.

Fourthly, the protests of the feminists forced PiS to convene in a hastily and embarrassing manner an illegal session of a parliamentary committee and recommend the rejection of the popular initiative to the Sejm. That same day-and this must be especially emphasized- the Polish Episcopal Conference issued a surprising document, in which it opposed the pro-life, because it mandated the punishing of all those persons responsible for conducting an abortion, including women who allow their children to be killed.

Fifthly, PiS rejected the popular initiative by a crushing majority in the second stage of the legislative process (in the Polish Sejm legislative process is divided into 3 stages), not allowing for a substantive discussion and the posing of questions. The authors of the bill (i.e. the Catholics in the aforementioned NGO’s) were informed that a discussion on the bill would take place just a few hours before the committee meeting and before the final vote, despite the fact that the rules of the Sejm require that this happen three days in advance. As a result of this mini coup, some representatives of the bill’s authors did not make on time to the Sejm.

Sixthly, PiS politicians from day to day decided that they are uncomfortable with the notion of punishing women as stipulated in the popular initiative bill. Despite having the means to simply expunge this section of the bill and continue to work on it without the penal consequences for women who decide to kill their children, they refrained from doing this. This was manifestly in accordance with the position of the Polish bishops issued on the same day in which it was hastily decided to reject the bill in its entirety. The Sejm rejected the popular initiative. Out of 460 MP’s, barely 50 voted for the bill.

Seventhly, PiS MP’s who all of a sudden changed their position made references to the position of the public position of the bishops. Krystyna Pawłowicz wrote openly on her Facebook page that „it was the Episcopate that authorized us to do this”.

These facts irrefutably show that talk of a “setback for PiS and the bishops” when it comes to the defense of life is an intentional lie. The politicians of the ruling party PiS and members of government are happy with the outcome. The day after the bill’s rejection they issued a communique in which they state that “the full protection of life from conception to natural death” should continue to be the aim of the MP’s. This communique was issued a few hours after the first statement of the bishops, which they took at face value, whereby they rejected the popular initiative of complete defense of unborn and innocent life.

Slawomir Skiba

Polonia Christiana[/details]

Eli nyt se siis toimiikin niin kuin pitää. Mitenkähän minä onnistuin sössimään sen silloin varsinaisen postauksen yhteydessä? Joka tapauksessa silloin noita >Summary-symboleita ilmaantui ainakin esikatseluun alekkain yhtä monta kuin kyseisessä sitaatissa on kappaleita.

Anyways, homma hoidossa, hajaantukaa, täällä ei ole mitään nähtävää…

Se tapahtuu, jos yrittää laittaa tuommoista lainauslaatikkoa sen spolerin taakse. Tässä sama teksti:


> The truth about the rejection of the anti-abortion bill in Poland. The voice of the bishops was decisive


> We are surprised to hear about reports appearing in the Western media about the alleged “defeat of Law and Justice and bishops” in the battle for a complete ban on abortion in Poland.


> This calls for categorical rectification, because the truth is completely different! The proposed bill, signed by more than half a million Poles was rejected by votes of PiS. This happened because the bishops gave their permission to reject the bill.


> In light of the information appearing in some Western media outlets, we want to set the record straight. The facts are as follows:


> Firstly, the Polish parliament proceeded with the civic bill calling for total protection of life from conception to natural death. This was not a bill authored by Law and Justice, but a result of popular initiative, prepared by Catholics representing NGO’s in the “Stop Abortion” Committee.


> Secondly, the bill was accepted in the first stage of the legislative process by PiS MP’s, who promised to debate every popular initiative-this was to differentiate them from their predecessors. In the meantime, PiS MP’s spoke very warmly about the initiative, categorically declaring themselves to be fully pro-life on account of being Catholics.


> Thirdly, demonstrations, which brought to mind satanic roundups, erupted in Poland and evidently frightened the government. Despite the fact that these demonstrations were organized by people and organizations that have always been hostile towards PiS and generally towards the Polish Right and the Church, the politicians of the ruling party nevertheless became fearful of the outcome of these protests. This occurred despite more numerous opposition protests, which have taken place in Poland during the course of the last year, with reference to which the government maintained a cool head, completely ignoring them.


> Fourthly, the protests of the feminists forced PiS to convene in a hastily and embarrassing manner an illegal session of a parliamentary committee and recommend the rejection of the popular initiative to the Sejm. That same day-and this must be especially emphasized- the Polish Episcopal Conference issued a surprising document, in which it opposed the pro-life, because it mandated the punishing of all those persons responsible for conducting an abortion, including women who allow their children to be killed.


> Fifthly, PiS rejected the popular initiative by a crushing majority in the second stage of the legislative process (in the Polish Sejm legislative process is divided into 3 stages), not allowing for a substantive discussion and the posing of questions. The authors of the bill (i.e. the Catholics in the aforementioned NGO’s) were informed that a discussion on the bill would take place just a few hours before the committee meeting and before the final vote, despite the fact that the rules of the Sejm require that this happen three days in advance. As a result of this mini coup, some representatives of the bill’s authors did not make on time to the Sejm.


> Sixthly, PiS politicians from day to day decided that they are uncomfortable with the notion of punishing women as stipulated in the popular initiative bill. Despite having the means to simply expunge this section of the bill and continue to work on it without the penal consequences for women who decide to kill their children, they refrained from doing this. This was manifestly in accordance with the position of the Polish bishops issued on the same day in which it was hastily decided to reject the bill in its entirety. The Sejm rejected the popular initiative. Out of 460 MP’s, barely 50 voted for the bill.


> Seventhly, PiS MP’s who all of a sudden changed their position made references to the position of the public position of the bishops. Krystyna Pawłowicz wrote openly on her Facebook page that „it was the Episcopate that authorized us to do this”.


> These facts irrefutably show that talk of a “setback for PiS and the bishops” when it comes to the defense of life is an intentional lie. The politicians of the ruling party PiS and members of government are happy with the outcome. The day after the bill’s rejection they issued a communique in which they state that “the full protection of life from conception to natural death” should continue to be the aim of the MP’s. This communique was issued a few hours after the first statement of the bishops, which they took at face value, whereby they rejected the popular initiative of complete defense of unborn and innocent life.


> Slawomir Skiba


> Polonia Christiana

1 tykkäys

Miten muuten saa erotettua kaksi peräkkäistä lainausta omiin laatikoihinsa? Mulla yhdistyy automaattisesti.

Eli siis jos laittaa tekstin tähän ja sen jälkeen iskee hide details -nappia, niin se pistää jokaiseen kappaleeseen oman detailsin. Olen huomannut probleemin. Olen myös raportoinut siitä discoursen kehittäjäyhteisössä, katsotaan saadaanko sitä korjattua.

[quote]-tageilla. Lainauksen päättyminen ilmaistaan laittamalla/-merkki hakasulkeiden sisään quoten eteen.

Tämä on eilen tehdyn päivityksen myötä korjattu. Nyt klikkaamalla sitä viestinumeron ja määrän näyttävää laatikkoa aukenee samanlainen vetojuttu, mikä desktopissakin (se myös näkyy desktopissa automaattisesti, jos tilaa on tarpeeksi t.s. et kirjoita viestiä).

1 tykkäys