Tarkoitatko tuota Bob Stanleytä, joka oli tuon http://www.thecatholictreasurechest.com/sorigin.htm, sivuston taustalla? En löydä hänen kirjallisia tai tieteellisiä meriittejään mistään (ainoa maininta löytyi netistä “Bob isn’t a priest. He’s just a dedicated Catholic who wants to tell the truth.”). Nuo kirkkoisien kumoamiset ovat mielestäni aika heppoisia, mutta niistä ei löydy niitä sitaatteja joita itse esitin. Seuraavaksi pitkä sitaatti Iain Provanin teoksesta “The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture” (s 294 - 297), jossa esittämäni sitaatit ovat oikeassa yhteydessään ja ne voi tarkistaa netistä kirkkoisien teoksista.
Sola Scriptura and the rule of faith
The Magisterial reformers were at pains to distance themselves from all such approaches to individual judgment when it came to the reading of Scripture, the formation of doctrine, and the delineation of Christian practice. None of this was what they meant by invoking sola Scriptura. Of Müntzer, in fact, Melanchton simply notes, sadly, that “he did not remain on the Scriptural path.” In the thinking of the magisterial Reformes, it was a great mistake to place a higher epistemological value on the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s heart tha on God’s revelation of himself through Scripture, and to insist that only the inner endowment of the Spirit, at the individual level, allowed Scripture to be properly “charismatically” interpreted. For Luther and Calvin, the mind of the Holy Spirit could be recognized only *through" Scripture, as it was carefully and diligently (and prayerfully) read within the community of the Church stretching back through the ages and down to the present time.
…In the mid-fourth century, for example, Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catecethical Lectures, deliveres to new believers to explain to them the principal doctrines of the Christian faith, advise them explicitly tha if he (Bishop Cyril) presents them with any teaching that cannot be validated from Scripture, they should reject it (“Even to me, who tell these things, give no absolute credence, unless thou receive the proof of the things which I announce from the Divinen Scriptures. For this salvation which we believe, depends not on ingenious reasoning, but on demonstration of the Holy Scriptures”).
…Gergory of Nyssa affirms that “we make the Holy Scriptures the rule and the measure of every tenet; we necessarily fix our eyes upon y´that, and approve that alone which may be made to harmonize with the intention of those writings” (G Nyssa, De anima et resurrectione).
…The doctrine of sola Scriptura was not was not developed by the Reformers in order to allow the Bible to function essentially as a waepon that could be deployed against the Church by those holding quite alien worldviews and ideologies (even wile perhaps asserting them to be christian). This doctrine was developed in order to protect and enhance the ability of the Church to discriminate, in the context of its own community life together, between beliefs practices that are truly apostolic and biblical …
Lisäksi, Kevin Vanhoozer, teoksessa Biblical authority after Babel (s. 111)
It is not that the Scritpure is alone in the sense that it is the sole source of theology; rather Scripture “alone”, is the primary or supreme authority in theology. “Scripture alone” excludes rivals, such as the teaching office of the church and church tradition when it comes to the role of infallible (magisterial) authority). It does not eliminate other sources and resources of theology altogether.
Ja s. 137
It is a grievous mistake to think that sola scriptura entails nulla traditio.
Tietenkin alkava luterilainen traditio oli jo eriytynyt ortodoksisesta vajaan 500 vuoden aikana kovin erilaiseksi. Ja itse asiassa jo ennen sitä, sillä idän ja lännen traditiot olivat eriytyneet jo vuosisatoja aiemmin.
Yhtä kaikki. Kirkkoisiltä on löydettävissä sola scriptura dynamiikkaa, joka luterilaisuudessa eksplikoitiin Yksimielisyyden ohjeeseen.
- Me uskomme, opetamme ja tunnustamme, että Vanhan ja Uuden testamentin profeetalliset ja apostoliset kirjoitukset ovat ainoa sääntö ja ohje, jonka mukaan kaikki opit ja opettajat on koeteltava ja arvioitava. Kirjoitettu on: “Sinun sanasi on minun jalkaini lamppu ja valkeus minun teilläni” (Ps. 119.) Pyhä Paavali sanoo: (Gal. 1:8]) “Vaikka tulisi taivaan enkeli ja julistaisi toisin, hän olkoon kirottu”.
Mutta SS ei siis koskaan ole yksin.